Annals (Latin name, year from annuls, a year) are concise
form of historical interpretation which record events clonologically
year by year.
Oxford dictionary define annals as a narrative of events written year by year.
Annales school of thought and historiography are the group of
historians associated with a kind of style of producing historical
knowledge which is different from ancients, medieval and contemporary
historians. It was first emerged in French 20th century specifically
1929. The history written by these historians was also known as “the
history of new generation” they rejected the history written by past
historian such as Alexander and Caesar, Gengis khan, and Napoleon who
wrote history about; political and military history, Concentration of
analysis of short period and narrative style of events. Their death led
to the changes of history into a larger and more humanitarian by its
rejection of predominant conception of writing history. The changes of
history associated with several movements.
Peter Burke has divided the movement into three phases.
1st PHASE (1920-1945)
The movement was very radical and strong opposes the traditional
political history, the initiator were Marc Bloch and Lucian Febvre.
2nd PHASE (1945-1968)
The movement became a school of thought with its main concept(
conjucture-structure)and method. History of changes over the long term.
The initiators were Fernand Braudel and Ernst Labrouse.
3rd PHASE (1968-1989)
The school became more fragmented and shift from the social economic to
the social cultural. The initiators were Ariel, Bourdieu, Goffman. The
movement led to the introduction of school originated from journal
called Annales and historie Economique et sociale. The annals of
economic of society which was the platform of the annals school of
thought where they published their work/research which was written in
French language and translated in English language. In this journal
there are features of the annals which published in different books and
monographs also published their works through lecture in various
universities in French and America.(Spickard,1998)
The annals school of historiography employed social scientific
methods by focusing mostly the social administration of the societies
rather than on political and diplomatic dimensions that had become
common historiography (Spickard,1998)
Annales wrote history which have been highly dynamic in the sense
that it changes the modification by either shifting the area of
emphasis. They started looking different phenomenon occurred in the
societies at different time and their underlying causes.(Braudel,1981)
Annals interpretation of history interpreted history that based on
the fields like geography, anthropology, sociology, economics and
psychology. This historiography is highly interdisciplinary in the
course of producing historical literature the school cuts across the
boundaries of various discipline that means the school employs sources
from various field.(Traian,1976)
Annals Interpretation of history focused on total history. It
concentrated on every activity done in the society day to day throughout
the year. For them everything must be recaptured and relocated in the
general frame work of history, so that despite the difficulties, the
fundamental paradoxes and contradictions we may respect the unity of
history which is also the unity of life. (Braudel,1981)
Annals wrote history focused on climate history. They have tried to
trace over a long period of time the changes that have been occurring
in climate of an area and they found these aspects are very importance
in the social and economic interest of people. It sharpen how people
behave hence determine history. (Spickard,1998)
Annals interpretation of history avoided political chronological
and individual based history. Traditional historians arrange events in
chronological period what they care is just the event happened but for
the annals put aside the aspect of political and based with other
aspects and they were against individual history and they focused on the
entire societies.(Braudel,1981)
Annals interpretation of history were hostile to the class
analysis of Marxist historiography that had dominated the historical
scholarship since 19th century. A shift from Marxist interpretation of
history to a new method of producing historical knowledge that referred
to the history based on human activities rather than on problem oriented
and analytic history.(Traian,1976)
The annals interpretation of history focused on the long term
history they wanted to look for period of long time. Example the Braudel
and his doctorate of “master work” took more than two decade to write
and not about personal or event but it was about Mediterranean and the
Mediterranean world in age of Philip (1949) embodied the three tired
approach. (Braudel,1981)
Annals interpretation of history was also based on the roles of
environment which comprises the mountains, plains, oceans and season and
how they shape human habitation. (La Capra,1982)
Annal interpretation of history criticized positivism which
narrated on the analysis of short periods adopted a traditional
narrative of events and analyzed history almost exclusively from the
political military point of view and rebelled against empirical history
which focused on politics great individual and chronological
Annales historians continue to critique some of the history’s earlier
schools of thought, claiming that events cannot be explained using
reference points and cultural back ground of the time because the exact
mind frame of those involved cannot be known for certain, only
speculated upon. (Braudel,1981)
Annals interpretation of history tries to show the role of
Mediterranean in the civilization of the world. Braudel say that the
civilization of the world begins in Mediterranean seabed itself the
layers of clay, sand and limestone from which the Egyptians carved their
tombs and built their temples, Greeks, Romans and Mesopotamia was
shaped by the Mediterranean. (Spickard,1998)
Annales interpretation of history studied what they called
collective illusion and pointed the possible causes of such phenomenon.
In the Royal Touch they looked at the belief that the king’s touch could
cure people from diseases. They compared France and England on long
term scale and analyzed how such collective illusion survived after the
middle ages. Their aim was to problematize the fact that people believed
such improbable things for a prolonged period in time and to point to
possible causes of such phenomenon.(Traian,1976)
Annales interpretation of history interpreted history of their own
time rather than earlier periods. Example Bloch attacks the idol of
origins arguing that historical phenomena ought to be explained in terms
of their own time, rather than of earlier periods.(Bloch, 1961)
Some of the annales divided their object of study into three aspects
which are material civilization where production takes place immobile,
Economic life the place of trade and distribution, Capitalist mechanism
the realm of consumption, where change is more rapid.(Spickard,1998)
Annales school rejected dominance of Leopold Von Ranke’s scientific
nationalist method engaged with Marxist historians in their shared
interest in structure but gave greater emphasis to geography rather than
Annals history has turned to a broader range of topic and now
confers dignity less selective everything has now become historical,
histories now diverge from presenting humanity with the notion of it is
own superiority and the ineluctability of mankind progress.
Weakness of annals interpretation of history
Can be per-iodized and therefore be made historically fashionable or
not depending on the time we find ourselves in, contemporary scholars
like Iggers and Hunt have insisted on reducing the annales historian’s
revolutionary ideas to proper definable school.
Mentalities represented the unconscious patterns that guided the
actions of individuals. Annals historian focused on the entire society
and not individuals done in the past.
Annals isolated political and diplomatic history and favor mostly social, economic and cultural history.
Annales ceased being a national interpreter and explores the
secrets of societies rather than the secrets of nations more than a
journal and less than a doctrine.
Annals historians of the school could not separate themselves from
rival methodologies that mean they were opposing application of
methodology on write history.
Annals historian wrote history of everyday activities in the
society. This was impossible for the historian to write every activity
in the society which may lead to confusion.
The Annales historiographer have believed that past events process,
causes and purposes can hardly be known absolute such that the Annales
have doubted in the past. Once there was a saying that “event are only
event only if they are selected by historian, if they are not selected
by historian they remain non-historical”. Hence there a lot of past that
are not yet known.
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